Do you want to help researchers figure out the long-term impacts of common viral infections?

If you’ve had cold or “flu” symptoms in the last 7 days you can:

  • Be part of a leading research study
  • Get free Rapid Antigen Tests (for COVID, Flu and RSV)
  • Receive $80 worth of vouchers when you complete the trial

Click here if you’re interested in joining the OUTPOST study. If you are eligible, you’ll be sent further details and the study consent form.

Read more about the OUTPOST study below

What is the OUTPOST study?

OUTPOST is a national study to understand health outcomes after respiratory infection, including recovery, persistent symptoms and functional impairment.

The study will recruit people with acute respiratory symptoms (and people without symptoms as control subjects) through general practice clinics, pharmacies and the community.

Study participants will be tested for SARS-CoV-2, Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

Who can participate?

Anyone aged 12+ with the onset of respiratory symptoms in the last 7 days can sign up to participate.

We will exclude anyone with past or current prolonged post-viral symptoms.

If I sign up, what do I have to do?

Once you provide your consent to participate in the study, you will be able to collect a set of two Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) from your local GP or pharmacy (or have them sent to you) to take a test at home. The RATs will come with step-by-step instructions. If your test is positive (for SARS-CoV-2, Influenza or RSV), you will take a photo of the test and upload it to our study database via a provided link.

You will also be sent a set of baseline questionnaires to fill in. These provide information about your background and your current symptoms. The baseline questionnaires will take about 30 minutes to complete.

You will be sent a link to complete follow-up questionnaires 6, 12 and 24 weeks after you join the study. This will include similar questions about your symptoms as the baseline questionnaires.

I am interested, how can I get involved?

Please click here to start the eligibility survey.

If you are eligible for the study, you will then be sent further details including study details and a consent form.

You can access the Plain Language Statement for the study here. This document explains the study and what your involvement would require in detail. Please read the information in the Plain Language Statement to help you decide whether you would like to participate in the study.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact the OUTPOST study team:

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