Soren Alexandersen
Professor Soren Alexandersen was a researcher with the APPRISE Centre of Research Excellence that ended in December 2022.
Professor Alexandersen is a veterinary pathologist, virologist and epidemiologist specialising in molecular pathogenesis, epidemiology, detection and control of virus infections since 1982.
He has worked at the NIH in Montana and at Iowa State University in the USA; Assistant and Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology, Research Professor of Molecular Pathobiology, Professor and Chair of Veterinary Virology and Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Exotic Virology at the Danish Veterinary and Agricultural University and Director of the Danish Veterinary Institute for Virus Research as well as Head of Experimental Epidemiology at the Pirbright Institute in England.
In 2008, he became Director and, in 2010, Executive Director of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s National Centres for Animal Disease (NCAD) including the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease (NCFAD) in Winnipeg and the Lethbridge Laboratory in Alberta, Canada.
From 2015 to 2021 he worked at Deakin University as a Professor and Director of the Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases (GCEID), a One Health collaborative Centre of Deakin University, Barwon Health/University Hospital Geelong and the CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory.
His extensive international experience gives APPRISE a valuable knowledge base and links with organisations working in the field of infectious diseases, especially those at the human-animal interface.
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Related Publications
- HPeV3 diversity, recombination and clinical impact across 7-years: an Australian story
- Neonatal parechovirus infection: Possibility of in-utero transmission
- Exploring the cause of diarrhoea and poor growth in 8–11-week-old pigs from an Australian pig herd using metagenomic sequencing
- An increased ratio of SARS-CoV-2 positive to negative sense genomic and subgenomic RNAs within routine diagnostic upper respiratory tract swabs may be a marker of virion shedding [preprint]
- SARS-CoV-2 genomic and subgenomic RNAs in diagnostic samples are not an indicator of active replication
- Infection dynamics of swine influenza virus in a Danish pig herd reveals recurrent infections with different variants of the H1N2 swine influenza A virus subtype
- Metagenomic characterisation of additional and novel avian viruses from Australian wild ducks
- Metagenomic characterisation of avian parvoviruses and picornaviruses from Australian wild ducks
- Detection of a reassortant H9N2 Avian Influenza virus with intercontinental gene segments in a resident Australian Chestnut Teal
- An emerging human parechovirus type 5 causing sepsis-like illness in infants in Australia
- Evolutionary analysis of human parechovirus type 3 and clinical outcomes of infection during the 2017-18 Australian epidemic
- Metagenomics detection and characterisation of viruses in faecal samples from Australian wild birds
- Detection and characterisation of canine astrovirus, canine parvovirus and canine papillomavirus in puppies using next generation sequencing