Can art help people understand infectious diseases and pandemics?

September 5, 2018

Jodie McVernon presents at ‘Mapping the Pandemic’ at Arts House Melbourne in 2018. Artist Shang Lun Lee created the interactive event.

APPRISE researchers Professor Jodie McVernon and Kylie Carville have starred in a creative live interactive experience merging art and pandemic science at Arts House Melbourne.

The interactive experience, Isolate & Contain! Mapping the Pandemic, was just one of a number of innovative and creative approaches to provide information about pandemics at Refuge 2018: Pandemic, held between 29 August and 1 September 2018.

During the interactive session, McVernon and Carville explained some of the principles of pandemic science to help participants map how an imaginary virus might spread through Australia.

Their presentations came after artists Shang Lun Lee, Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey spent a week at the Doherty Institute as Artists in Residence for Arts House Melbourne’s event, Refuge 2018: Pandemic.

You can hear Kylie Carville and Emily Sexton, Arts Director at Arts House Melbourne, speak about using art to help people learn about pandemic emergencies on ABC’s The Conversation Hour (interview begins at 34:57).

Jodie McVernon and artist Shang Lun Lee were interviewed by Patricia Karvelas on ABC RN – The Drawing Room. They spoke about a range of topics from mathematical modelling to how Shang Lun’s art residency helped him to create his pandemic interactive game.


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