Pandemic research: the need for a paradigm shift


Lin-Fa Wanga, Sharon R Lewin, Nanshan Zhonge, Linqi Zhang, Zhiwei Cheng, Kwok-Yung Yueng, David D Ho, The Lancet Microbe, published online 6 December 2024. DOI:

The goal of pandemic readiness research is to ensure that multidisciplinary efforts enable prompt and effective responses to emerging infectious agents of pandemic potential at any time. However, effective responses to outbreaks require sustained research funding to support core activities and a detailed execution framework for setting the agenda and monitoring the progress during peace time. Pandemic research activities should be integrated into diverse organisations, including academic institutions, while ensuring close coordination with relevant local or national public health agencies. The funding model for these activities should be flexible, ranging from open grant calls to commissioned studies and large block grants for establishing research platforms. Additionally, different career development pathways for scientists and clinicians across disciplines are essential for an effective response.