December 15, 2020

Professor Tania Sorrell
Vaccines alone won’t keep Australia COVID-safe, according to a report commissioned by the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.
The most likely scenario to decrease COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths will involve a combination of vaccines, anti-viral therapies and other tools, says the report, authored by an expert committee chaired by APPRISE researcher and Director of the Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases, Professor Tania Sorrell.
The report says a vaccine will take time to manufacture, distribute and administer, may have limited impact on SARS-CoV-2 transmission and spread and/or the protection may be short-lived.
“Australia’s comprehensive COVID-19 public health measures and management approach will therefore remain crucial to the ongoing response. Building on this foundation, several factors will impact on how the COVID-19 pandemic will proceed in Australia, which need to be acted upon to build resilience.”
The report sets out priorities for Australia’s path through the pandemic and identifies 15 actions to equip Australia to continue its successful management of the pandemic.