Vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination coverage in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, Australia, 2011–2015
Sally Ioannides, Frank Beard, Natasha Larter, Katrina Clark, Han Wang, Alexandra Hendry, Brynley Hull, Aditi Dey, Clayton Chiu, Julia Brotherton, Sanjay Jayasinghe, Kristine Macartney, Peter McIntyre
Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2019, volume 45 DOI: 10.33321/cdi.2019.43.36
This report, which focuses on the 2011–2015 period, is the fourth comprehensive NCIRS report on vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) and vaccination coverage in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. As with previous reports, it aims to analyse and assess routinely collected data on notifications, hospital admissions, deaths and vaccination coverage; time trends and support service delivery; policy development; and further research on the prevention of VPDs in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Recent peer-reviewed publications, providing more in-depth analysis and commentary on specific VPDs in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (all of which are referred to in relevant sections of the report), are listed at the end of the executive summary. This report identifies a range of achievements, through positive impacts of immunisation pro-grams on the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as well as some continuing challenges. Key achievements and challenges are summarised below.
Related Research Areas
- Key populations
- Public health research