Improving emergency preparedness and response in the Asia–Pacific


Ben J Marais, Stephanie Williams, Ailan Li, Roderico Ofrin, Angela Merianos, Joel Negin, Jenny Firman, Robin Davies and Tania Sorrell

BMJ Global Health 2019; 4:e001271. DOI:10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001271

  • Addressing regional health security threats require functional health systems that have integrated surveillance and response capacity, as specified by the International Health Regulations (IHR).

  • Country-level IHR implementation is often suboptimal with limited intra-regional and inter-regional coordination and collaboration.

  • Joint external evaluations provide multidimensional country-level assessments, but human and animal disease surveillance data are poorly integrated and subnational vulnerability is rarely considered.

  • Retaining political commitment in between outbreaks/disasters requires better informed leadership and recognition of Health Security as a standing priority.

  • Weak health systems require increased domestic investment, coordinated international assistance and a commitment to universal health coverage, including investment in quality-assured laboratory infrastructure and reporting systems.

Related Cross-cutting Themes

  • Partnerships, collaboration and translation