Adaptation of the First Few Hundred protocol for infectious disease events for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations
Project Team
What does this project mean for future pandemics?
- At the beginning of a pandemic or outbreak, researchers need to collect information about the ‘first few hundred’ (FF100) cases so they can estimate the severity of the infection and how easily it can be transmitted among people.
- In an Australian ‘one size fits all’ FF100 study, issues around consent and cultural appropriateness for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people would not be considered.
- This project will work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to improve the ability to rapidly collect information during epidemics or pandemics.
Project details
The aim is to establish research response capability for a future epidemic/pandemic through an FF100 study within Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS). ACCHSs are primary health care centres that serve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations.
The project objectives are to:
- undertake consultations with relevant stakeholders and establish required governance structures for the project
- adapt existing protocols and ethics applications for enhanced data collection during infectious disease events for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population.
The project will:
- contribute to research capacity building within ACCHSs
- build capacity to rapidly collect data during epidemics or pandemics to describe epidemiological characteristics for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and so inform appropriate public health responses
- be the first time globally that an FF100 study has been adapted for an Indigenous population.
This project team will work closely with the project team developing the FF100 protocol for the general population.
Related Research Areas
- Key populations
- Public health research
Related Cross-cutting Themes
- Ethics