Two workshops: ‘Adaptive trials’ and ‘writing clinical trials simulators’ – start 22 March 2018

March 22, 2018

Adaptive trials workshop in Melbourne on 22 March 2018 and a half-day Writing Clinical Trial Simulators Workshop on 23 March 2018

The Adaptive Trials Workshop will introduce adaptive designs, ranging from traditional frequentist to innovative platform trials, including the statistical issues and the challenges of utilising such designs. The aim of this workshop is to bring together statisticians and clinicians with an interest in adaptive clinical trial designs to share knowledge and information about current research in adaptive designs and their application.

The Writing Clinical Trial Simulators Workshop will help participants to:

  • understand what clinical trial simulation is and the vital role it plays in the development of a clinical trial design
  • have the foundational tools to start writing and testing clinical trial simulators
  • appreciate the value of reviewing individual simulated trials
  • understand how to present operating characteristics summarised across many simulated trials.

The Australian Clinical Trials Alliance – Statistics In Trials Interest Group (ACTA-STInG), the ACTA Innovative Trials Design, the Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH), and Conduct Reference Group and the Biostatistics Section of the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) are hosting the workshops.

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