11th International Symp​o​sium​​ on Pneumococci and Pneumococc​al Diseases (ISPPD-11) – starts 15 April 2018

April 15, 2018

11th International Symp​o​sium​​ on Pneumococci and Pneumococc​al Diseases (ISPPD-11) – in Melbourne on 15–19 April 2018

ISPPD-11 is the glob​al scientific symposium devoted to the exchange, advancement and dissemination of the​​ latest discoveries on the basic science, microbiology, epidemiology, treatment and prevention of pneumococci and pneumococcal disease.

ISPPD-11 is an unparalleled international forum of scientific, clinical and public health experts, practitioners, and students. Participants will present, discuss, challenge and learn from the latest work and advancements on pneumococcal disease.

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