Doherty Institute-led modelling reports to National Cabinet 2021

October 19, 2021

The Doherty Institute was commissioned by the Commonwealth Government to advise on the National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID Response.

A process led by the Doherty Institute’s Director of Epidemiology, University of Melbourne Professor Jodie McVernon, involved collaborative work conducted by multiple teams with specific expertise in infectious diseases modelling across six institutes and universities from around Australia, including the University of Melbourne (including the Doherty Institute), the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Monash University, Curtin University, Telethon Kids Institute and University of New South Wales.

This nationally distributed team has been actively engaged in supporting decision making at Commonwealth level through Australia’s COVID-19 response including ongoing assessment of the nature of our local epidemic.

The reports:

Link to the modelling hub to find more information about modelling, the reports and the team of researchers.

Technical reports and summaries