February 19, 2021
The ASCOT International Trial Steering Committee (ITSC) has made the decision to cease enrolment into the convalescent plasma arm of the trial.
A media release from the UK’s RECOVERY trial recently reported no benefit of convalescent plasma compared with standard of care. RECOVERY has recruited large numbers of hospitalised patients with similar medical status to those included in ASCOT. The analysis was based on over 10,000 randomised patients and found no significant difference in mortality rate at 28 days after randomisation (18% convalescent plasma versus 18% standard of care).
The decision was made based on the results of the RECOVERY trial and the low likelihood that ASCOT would add anything to the scientific knowledge of this treatment that has not already been addressed by RECOVERY.
The ITSC also addressed the risk/benefit, and while there were no safety concerns for convalescent plasma from RECOVERY, it was decided that patients should not be exposed to the low risk of transfusion-related adverse events, and additional burden of sample and data collection with minimal or nil benefit.